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Discard/Cancel/Save Dialogue box class

A Discard/Cancel/Save (DCS) Dialogue box is used by the client application when the user attempts to close a window containing modified and unsaved data.

User interface

A DCS dialogue object is used to allow the user to save data which has been modified, usually before a document window is closed.

The dialogue box which appears on the screen has a number of components:


  • a title bar (by default containing the name of the application, i.e. the message whose tag is '_TaskName')
  • a message stating (by default) that there is unsaved data
  • three Action Buttons: Discard, Cancel and Save (default action button).

The user sees the following behaviour (note that a click with the adjust button is treated in the same way as a select click):

  • if they click on Discard, the box is closed, the parent window is closed, and its (new) contents discarded
  • if they click outside the dialogue box (and it was opened transiently, i.e. with Menu semantics), or click on Cancel, the box is closed, and the close on the parent window is cancelled
  • if they click on Save or press Return, the box is closed, and either the data is saved without further interaction (if a suitable full pathname is available), or a SaveAs dialogue appears allowing an icon to be dragged to where the data should be saved. When the save is complete, the parent window is closed.

Application Program Interface

When a DCS object is created, it has a number of optional components:

  • an alternative title bar string instead of the client's name
  • an alternative message to use in the dialogue box
  • the name of an alternative template to use for the underlying Window object.

Just before the DCS dialogue box is shown on the screen, the client is delivered a DCS_AboutToBeShown Toolbox event if enabled by the flags word.

Once the dialogue box is displayed on the screen, the DCS module handles events for it, and raises a number of Toolbox Events to indicate what choice the user has made. These are DCS_Discard, DCS_Cancel and DCS_Save respectively. If the dialogue is closed, then the client receives a DCS_DialogueCompleted event if enabled by the appropriate bit in the flags word (see below).


A DCS object has the following attributes which are specified in its object template and can be manipulated at run-time by the client application:

Attributes Description
flags Bit Meaning
0 when set, this bit indicates that a DCS_AboutTobeShown event should be raised when SWI Toolbox_ShowObject is called for this object.
1 when set, this bit indicates that a DCS_DialogueCompleted event should be raised when the DCS object has been removed from the screen.
DCS title an alternative string for the title bar other than the client's name (0 means use application name)
max title length this gives the maximum length in bytes of title text which will be used for this object
message an alternative message to use in the DCS dialogue box (other than 'This file has been modified')
max message length this gives the maximum length in bytes of the message which will be used for this object
window an alternative window template to use instead of the default one (o means use default)
Manipulating a DCS object
Creating and deleting a DCS object

A DCS object is created using SWI Toolbox_CreateObject.

When this object is created it has no attached objects (see Attached objects).

A DCS object is deleted using SWI Toolbox_DeleteObject.

The setting of the non-recursive delete bit does not have a meaning for DCS objects.

Showing a DCS object

When a DCS object is displayed on the screen using SWI Toolbox_ShowObject it has the following behaviour:

Show type Position
0 (default) close to the pointer
1 (full spec) R3 + 0 visible area minimum x coordinate
R3 + 4 visible area minimum y coordinate
R3 + 8 visible area maximum x coordinate
R3 + 12 visible area maximum y coordinate
R3 + 16 scroll x offset relative to work area
R3 + 20 scroll y offset relative to work area
R3 + 24 Wimp window handle of window to open behind
-1 means top of stack
-2 means bottom of stack
-3 means the window behind the Wimp's backwindow
2 (topleft) R3 + 0 visible area minimum x coordinate
R3 + 4 visible area minimum y coordinate
Changing the DCS dialogue's message

When a DCS dialogue object is created it has a default message warning the user that he has unsaved data which will be lost if he closes the window.

This can be set and read dynamically using the DCS_SetMessage and DCS_GetMessage methods (described on DCS_SetMessage 1).

Getting the id of the underlying window for a DCS object

The window object id of the Window object used to implement the DCS Dialogue can be obtained by using the DCS_GetWindowID method.

DCS methods

The following methods are all invoked by calling SWI Toolbox_ObjectMiscOp with:

R0 holding a flags word (which is zero unless otherwise stated)
R1 being a DCS Dialogue object id
R2 being the method code which distinguishes this method
R3-R9 potentially holding method-specific data
DCS_GetWindowID 0
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = DCS object id
R2 = 0
On exit
R0 = Window object id for this DCS object

This method returns the id of the underlying Window object used to implement this DCS object.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *dcs_get_window_id ( unsigned int flags,
                                            ObjectId dcs,
                                            ObjectId *window

DCS_SetMessage 1
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = DCS object id
R2 = 1
R3 = pointer to buffer holding new message (Ctrl-terminated)
On exit
R1-R9 preserved

This method sets the message used in the DCS dialogue's window.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *dcs_set_message ( unsigned int flags,
                                          ObjectId dcs,
                                          char *message

DCS_GetMessage 2
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = DCS object id
R2 = 2
R3 = pointer to buffer to hold message
R4 = size of buffer to hold message
On exit
R4 = size of buffer required to hold message (if R3 was 0)
else buffer pointed at by R3 holds message
R4 holds number of bytes written to buffer

This method returns the current message used in a DCS object.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *dcs_get_message ( unsigned int flags,
                                          ObjectId dcs,
                                          char *buffer,
                                          int buff_size,
                                          int *nbytes

DCS_SetTitle 3
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = DCS object id
R2 = 3
R3 = pointer to text string to use
On exit
R1-R9 preserved

This method sets the text which is to be used in the title bar of the given DCS dialogue.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *dcs_set_title ( unsigned int flags,
                                        ObjectId dcs,
                                        char *title

DCS_GetTitle 4
On entry
R0 = flags
R1 = DCS object id
R2 = 4
R3 = pointer to buffer to return the text in (or 0)
R4 = size of buffer
On exit
R4 = size of buffer required to hold the text (if R3 was 0)
else Buffer pointed to by R3 contains title text
R4 holds number of bytes written to buffer

This method returns the text string used in a DCS dialogue's title bar.

C veneer

extern _kernel_oserror *dcs_get_title ( unsigned int flags,
                                        ObjectId dcs,
                                        char *buffer,
                                        int buff_size,
                                        int *nbytes

DCS events

The DCS module generates the following Toolbox events:

DCS_AboutToBeShown (0x82a80)
+ 8 0x82a80
+ 12 value which will be passed in R0 to Toolbox_ShowObject (i.e. show flags, such as 'Show as menu')
+ 16 value which will be passed in R2 to ToolBox_ShowObject
+ 20... block which will be passed in R3 to ToolBox_ShowObject for the underlying dialogue box.

This Toolbox event is raised just before the DCS module is going to show its underlying Window object.

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;
  int                show_type;
    TopLeft pos;
    WindowShowObjectBlock full;
  } info;
} DCSAboutToBeShownEvent;

DCS_Discard (0x82a81)
+ 8 0x82a81

This Toolbox event is raised when the user clicks on the Discard button.

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;

} DCSDiscardEvent;

DCS_Save (0x82a82)
+ 8 0x82a82

This Toolbox event is raised when the user clicks on the Save Button or presses Return. It is then the client's responsibility to either save the data directly to file, or to display a SaveAs Dialogue object.

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;

} DCSSaveEvent;

DCS_DialogueCompleted (0x82a83)
+ 8 0x82a83

This Toolbox event is raised after the DCS object has been hidden, either by a Cancel click, a Save click or a Discard click, or by the user clicking outside the dialogue box (if opened transiently) or pressing Escape. It allows the client to tidy up its own state associated with this dialogue.

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;

} DCSDialogueCompletedEvent;

DCS_Cancel (0x82a84)
+ 8 0x82a84

This Toolbox event is raised when the user clicks on the Cancel button or presses the Escape key.

C data type

typedef struct
  ToolboxEventHeader hdr;

} DCSCancelEvent;

DCS templates

The layout of a DCS template is shown below. Fields which have types MsgReference and StringReference are those which will require relocation when they are loaded from a resource file. If the template is being constructed in memory, then these fields should be real pointers (i.e. they do not require relocation).

For more details on relocation, see Resource File Formats.

Field Size in bytes Type
flags 4 word
title 4 MsgReference
max_title 4 word
message 4 MsgReference
max_message 4 word
window 4 StringReference
Underlying window template

The window object used to implement a DCS dialogue, has the following characteristics. These must be reproduced if the Window is replaced by a client-specified alternative Window template:

Title bar must be indirected.


Component ids are derived by adding to 0x82a800

Component id Details
0 button gadget
1 action button (Discard)
2 action button (Cancel)
must be marked as a 'Cancel' action button
3 action button (Save)
must be marked as a 'Default' action button

DCS Wimp event handling

Wimp event Action
Mouse Click on Discard button raise DCS_Discard Toolbox event, then a DCS_DialogueCompleted Toolbox event*

on Cancel button raise DCS_Cancel Toolbox event, then a DCS_DialogueCompleted Toolbox event*

on Save button raise DCS_Save Toolbox event, then a DCS_DialogueCompleted Toolbox event*

Key Pressed on Return raise DCS_Save Toolbox event, then a DCS_DialogueCompleted Toolbox event*

on Escape then act as if Cancel had been clicked.

* if enabled

Note that if opened transiently, DCS_DialogueCompleted may be raised without any of DCS_Cancel, DCS_Discard or DCS_Save being raised. This could arise from the user clicking on the backdrop or opening a menu.

This edition Copyright © 3QD Developments Ltd 2015
Last Edit: Tue,03 Nov 2015